
Ep. 43 – What Are You Doing In Order To Have A Better 2018?

What Are You Doing To Get A Better Year_If you don’t mind repeating exactly what you did this year in the new year then you can stop reading at this point, but if you want a better year, you want to be able to pursue your dreams in the new year with clarity and focus then you need to take the following steps:

  1. Take charge, don’t just go with the flow
  2. Take it easy, be driven but take caution
  3. Take time to plan, don’t just hope.
  4. Join us for Ready Set Impact!

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Ep. 43 Transcripts: What Are You Doing In Order To Have A Better 2018?

Like Jesus Podcast Episode 43

You’re listening to Like Jesus Podcast. This is Olu Sobanjo. I want to welcome you again to this episode today. Someone said if you are going in the same direction, you will arrive at your destination but the question is, Is that destination what you really want?

A year is ending and another one is unfolding. If you continue the way you were this year, are you confident that that you would be excited about the result you’d get a year from now? Now that’s a question that you need to ask yourself. I’ve met so many people that are really busy as in very busy. From far away when you look at them, you can tell that they are busy building something. However, as you get closer to them, you start to notice that they are actually building blocks however, none of those blocks are on top of the other. The truth is that it is not bad to build blocks but at some point, it will be important to know what structure you’re trying to build. And it’s important to know why you are building your blocks. It’s important so you know how many blocks you really need and it’s very good to have all these structured out. In short, it’s better to start with a clear goal in mind but many a times, we don’t because we don’t actually understand where we are going. We don’t understand what we’re doing but that’s fine. Because a lot of people are like that. You see, many people that you see succeeding today didn’t start with a clear goal in mind. They just jumped in and they started going and gradually, they start seeing that they’re figuring it out. And so for yourself at the same time, you’re going to have to ask yourself the same question, What am I doing? Am I just busy building blocks or have I started putting the structure together? You see, the same set of people that are busy – occupied with activities – to them, it’s actually just wrong to sit down. It’s almost a sin to sit down because what will you be sitting down doing? You need to be busy. But the truth of the matter is it’s not about being busy. It’s about knowing what you’re doing.

My message to you today is that though it’s very important not to be lazy, success is as a result of great planning. Ask around and you’d hardly find people that just stumbled on success. Yes, they may stumble on a strategy or a tactic that is making better results for them but strategic planning and having a goal must be one of the first things that they start with. Now, if your year has been great and you don’t mind repeating exactly what you did this year in the new year, then you can stop listening at this point but if you want a better year – you want to be able to pursue your dream in the new year with clarity and focus, then you need to take the following steps.

Number 1 is you would need to take charge! Don’t just go with the flow.Now, it’s good to understand what’s going on around you so that when opportunities come, you can take advantage of them but you don’t just keep waiting – sitting down and hoping that something is going to happen. I’ve met a lot of people that are waiting and “trusting God” they say. They say they are trusting God for somebody – their helper to come. But you see, the truth of the matter is that many people that help, won’t help you just sitting down. They won’t help you just waiting around hoping that something will happen. They want to see you that you are actually taking charge. You are actually putting some stones on top of the other; you’re actually laying the foundation a little bit before they come and they help you, however they can. You must take charge and don’t just go with the flow. Don’t just hope that something will happen. Start doing something!!! And then trust God that that which you are doing, God will use it to form something great.

The second step that I have – the second thing that you need to do is take it easy! Now, you must get to the point also where you are not distracted with trying to achieve that you are not able to enjoy each day as it comes. Now, it’s possible to be so driven that you’re not even taking care of yourself. You’re not taking advantage of people around you. You’re not taking advantage of the opportunities that are around you. You’re just so focused and running. Now, as you’re running, you need to pay attention to what’s around you. Take it easy. Take caution. Take care of yourself. Take care if the people in your life. Be in the life of the people around you. Don’t just cut them off and say you are driven by success. Now, that doesn’t bring any good solution either.

Then the last one is you’re going to have to set time to plan. Now, the aim here is not just to hope. The aim is to actually plan. And how do you plan? First, you need to start with what you have right now. I’ve met so many people that the moment they hear they need to plan, they take a pen and paper and then they begin to write huge numbers. It doesn’t matter where they are right now, they just think, “Oh, I should be able to achieve x, y and z in the next five months.” Now, it’s possible in your dreams maybe but in reality, it’s usually not as easy as that. And you must first of all acknowledge where you are right now. You see one thing… As I thinking about this today, this thought came to my head that where I am today is as a result of my decisions up till today. Now, if I am at this point and I have so much success, then I should be thanking God because some of the decisions that I have made in the past have brought me to this place. But if I am at the moment where right now, I lack so many things, equally, my decisions have brought me here. And I must be able to acknowledge that and accept it; that I am at this point right now and I need to start building from where I am. And if you’re not going to start from where you are, you’ll be wasting… you’ll be starting wrong. In order to start right, you need to acknowledge where you are and start from there. And then the next thing in planning is, where do you want to get to? What’s the end goal for you? Are you just hoping that something good will come out? Now, that’s not a good goal. It’s good to have concrete, measurable, realistic goals. And time bound too so that in the next 6 months – we are going into the new year so you can say in the next 6 months, I want to be able to achieve xyz, and xyz must be measurable. As you do this, you will see that you’re getting yourself ready for a better year.

And that’s why I’m very excited to invite you – if you don’t know already about it because I’ve been talking about this for a while now. If you don’t know about my new course Ready Set Impact, you need to get yourself onto that. Now, I believe that each person, God has put something in your mind. God has put something in your heart. God designed to be doing some many things that God wants you to use to impact the people around you. And if you’re not going to focus on planning and putting your mind to it, you’re just going to say, “Yeah. Sure! Anything happens… Anything goes… If I get there, I get there. If I don’t, that’s fine. It’s God’s will” No! You need to focus. You need to put your mind to it and you need to put yourself into this process of getting ready to launch out what God has put in your heart.

On this course – the Ready Set Impact, it’s an online course. It’s designed to help you turn your ideas into realities. It’s supposed to help you first of all, find out what it is – how do you clarify and identify those ideas that God has given you and then how do you know who you are set to impact? How do you focus? How do you get yourself? And how do you start out? And so many things have been out into this. There are so many frustrations that people have – where do you get money? How do you get your family involved? How do you combine this with so much that is going on?… You know there is so many things that you need to learn from this course. And I want to invite you if you’re not registered yet. Within this week, I believe on Wednesday, classes will be open and you will be able to start listening and taking the courses. It’s my very first course in the purposeuniversity.online and so I’m very excited. I’d like to invite you to get on board. Go over to purposeuniversity.online and sign up to be a part of this course so that by Wednesday, as soon as class starts, you’ll be one of the first set of people to enter the class and start taking the courses. And I tell you, it’s going to be a big benefit to you. It’s going to be a huge help to you.

Now, if you know somebody that needs a better year than they’ve had before, I want you to forward this to them. Tell them to go to purposeuniversity.online. Let them register for the course and definitely, it’s going to be definitely, a big bonus for them because this has been designed to help them achieve their goals. Alright? So, you want to go over to purposeuniversity.online and begin to see how you can plan a better year.

Now the last thing which is my question for you today is, In order to be able to do what God has called you to do, what are you willing to say No to in order to be able to say Yes to what God is calling you to do? Now, it’s very important, you know, you need to make out time… For example, for this course, you need to make out time for you to be able to go through the materials and actually do the exercises that follow. But I tell you if you can focus on making this happen; if you can focus on getting the classes and the lectures in and practicing what it says, I can guarantee you that you are going to have a better year. Alright! So, go over to the website purposeuniversity.online and sign up for the course. And let’s take it from there. Share it with other people that you know because I desire that God will use them to transform you and bring you to what He wants you to do in order for you to begin to impact the people around you.

Alright! So, why don’t we pray together? Let’s do that. Father, we thank you so much for this time we’ve had to just discuss and for your children that are listening to this. Lord, I desire that you would transform each person and you will help them plan a better year as we are going into the new year. And Lord, I just desire that you’d open their eyes to see that which you have in store for them. Lord, I pray that this course, Ready Set Impact will be a huge benefit to all those that listen to it, all those that watch it, all those that go through the classes in the name of Jesus. Purpose University will be a blessing to many in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, I pray that as we go into this new year, it’s going to be an awesome year in the mighty name of Jesus. Help us to clarify things as we go in and help us to achieve as we enter into the new year. Thank you mighty God. In Jesus name we’ve prayed, Amen!

Alright! So for me, I’m so excited. I just celebrated my birthday and this course is something that God laid on my heart to give out and do for free. It’s a free course. You’re not going to pay anything except the time that it takes for you to do it but it’s an investment. I want you to count it as an investment into your life and your future and the future of people that are waiting for you to impact them with what you have inside of you. So, head over to purposeuniversity.online and make sure that you’re in class. Check your email. You’re going to register and confirm that you want to be a part of the class and then on Wednesday morning, check your email and then you can sign up to be in class.

Alright! God bless you and talk to you again next week. Bye Bye!


3 Replies to “Ep. 43 – What Are You Doing In Order To Have A Better 2018?”

  1. Peter Bassi says:

    Thank you this Forum, however I have some questions
    1. Is this the start of course or I should expect some thing else
    2. If no, how do I get there. I guest to be registered. Is it the time when I1st inicate interest? or another, I cant find where to click.
    3. coming to the this inspirational introduction above,why do we actually have to make resolution from 1st January. This is because to me such course can come anytime during the year and at the end I can decide to Say no to those thing hindering me reaching my goals and Yes to God and unlock the Gods giving opportunities anytime during the year, and that become my new year. isnt it?
    4. How do I deal with some things that is beyound my control? ( dont tell me pray) I need pratical advise.
    I am excited and enthiastic to go through the course, however, please bear with my funny questions.

    1. Thanks for your comments and questions. The course already started and you can enter the platform.
      In order to do so, go to http://www.purposeuniversity.online. First, you will need to sign up to join the group of people on the course, that way you won’t miss any details.
      After that, you will need to create your student username and password to have full access to the course materials.

      Now to your questions:
      *We don’t need to wait until January to make resolutions, (or better still we don’t need to wait until January to make plans). You will learn how to plan better in the course. This course is starting now because that’s when we completed creating it, it’s a brand new course. However, after this, the course will be available and anyone can take it any time of the year they want.
      *To deal with problems beyond your control, we all face them. Of course, we have to always pray and God many times gives some extraordinary solutions beyond one’s natural resources. Have you heard of the serenity prayer:
      “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
      Courage to change the things I can,
      And wisdom to know the difference.” God helps us with grace to accept what we cant change, courage to change we can and the wisdom to know the difference.
      However, in order to get to the bottom of any problem, first, you must analyze the source of the problem before trying to tackle it.
      This topic is dealt with briefly on the course, however, we plan to do a podcast episode on this question in the very near future. When we will deal with it in a more in-depth way.
      See you on the inside of the Ready Set Impact Course.

  2. Amos joseph says:

    It a great pleasure having men zealous of good faith like pastor Ade, really missing those sermon more grace.

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