
Good Habits And Bad Habits LJ055

Good habits and bad habits In order to live a life of purpose, you must evaluate the relationship you have with the good habits and bad habits in your life. Will you agree with me that years of repetitive behavior is what brought you to where you are today? Oh yes, our habits help to push us forward or limit us from attaining what we desire in life. In fact, whether good or bad, habits are foundations to build one’s life on. Anyone that desires success then must realize that the path to success is in great habits.

I have a question for you: do you feel you are cruising along the road called life or is life cruising you?


As we start this discussion on habits, I will be talking with some great people: pastors, pastor’s wives, professionals, authors, bloggers. We will be discussing their practices. I am sure you will enjoy this month’s line up of program.

In order to start a new habit or to stop a bad one, you need a good amount of commitments, willpower, and strong desires. It takes a lot to overcome the natural tendencies to think, feel, speak and act in a certain way. Habits, when automated, can propel you towards a result, it will be important then to learn what habits you must break and which ones you must build.

When you desire an end result, there are certain habits that if done daily will eventually get you to your end results at the appropriate time. We see athletes show us this all the times. I am sure you know someone

One major question I get asked often is where do you get the time to do all that you do? And so I will share a few of the major habits that have really helped me to be efficient.

It all started 3 years ago when I began to get a nodding in my spirit to stop piling on more for myself. I will link the video I did about this in the description below. God wanted me to create some white space in my schedule. If you don’t understand what I mean you may also do well to listen to my episode on Multiple interest syndrome. I will also link that here. I was a scatterbrain, not that I was really exhausted, no I actually enjoyed it, but the only problem was that I didn’t have space in my day, Any space is quickly used to do something else. And then I got to that point when the owner of my life was complaining that I didn’t reserve space for him. That was when I consciously began to analyze my time and my habits.

Habits make or break us, what you do habitually will shape your life.

You need a strong reason to pursue a new habit or you won’t follow through. As we discuss habits this month, I hope you can trust God to help you break a bad habit and build up a good one, The truth though is that if you don’t have a strong reason why you are doing something, there is a big chance that you will quit along the way.

Jim John Said ‘Reasons make a whole lot of difference’

When you start a habit, you will find that you will have the urge to stop along the way.

Here are a few good habits and bad habits

1. A bad habit that I began to work on is negative thoughts. You may think this is not a habit but I tell you, it can break you, and its actually what determines what you become. I discovered that I used to criticize myself a lot before now and so I decided to break the habit. If this applies to you as well, pls join me.
2. Wake Up Early- Your brain is in its smartest and freshest position in the early hours of the day. Take advantage of it. Some people wake up to the news, I personally believe this is counterproductive. Don’t start by plunging your head into the problems in the world, not in communications nor social media. It’s better to start by arming yourself for a great day. Pray, read, write, study early each day to get the most out of life. I know it may be hard when your children are little, but try if you can and if not, don’t worry your baby will soon be independent.


As you try new habits, I want to warn you? Accept yourself but push as well. What do I mean? as you try I can assure you that you will fail sometimes, don’t bit yourself for that. As an approval junkie, you have a huge tendency to feel really bad when you fail at something, don’t No, don’t stay there, don’t punish yourself for not getting ahead. When you fail, note it down but try again.

So what about you?

Do you wake up early? What is your morning routine like? Leave a comment below.

Ep. 50 – The Multiple Interest Syndrome

2 Replies to “Good Habits And Bad Habits LJ055”

  1. I think I’m big on trying to get everything done at once when my brain can’t function so many things at once. I’m slowly learning how to get up in the morning, but it’s still a challenge since I’m in college. I just want all the sleep I can get. Thanks for sharing!

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